Earth Day is just around the corner on April 22! Need some ideas on how to celebrate or promote environmental awareness in your area? Check out ideas for green projects and links to local events at
Earth Day Network. And for any local DC'ers, plan to start your celebration early by visiting Purple Clover at
Craft Attack at NOVA Loudoun on Sunday, April 15.
Here's some Earth Day fun facts to impress your friends and help spread the word!
1) In 2009, the United Nations officially designated April 22 as International Mother Earth Day.
2) The idea of an earth day or earth week started in multiple cities in the United States in the early 70s, including San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York.
3) United States Senator Gaylord Nelson is credited with founding Earth Day. He promoted and held an environmental teach-in on April 22, 1970. Over 20 million people participated in earth day events held on that day.
4) There is an official earth day anthem, sung to "Ode to Joy". Click here for the
5) There is an official
ecology flag, originally created in 1969. It was popular throughout the 1970s, but today most Earth Day events opt to use their own logo.